Robin Jungers

Creative direction,

Interactive software


Horizon is an experimental projectdevelopped as part of an exchange program atthe Future University of Hakodate, in thenorth of Japan. Presented as an audiovisualinstallation during the annual exhibition ofthe lab, it showcases continuous a sci-fimovie scene, using only generativetechniques for its graphics. The methodsused for rendering the images were directlyinspired by the demoscene community, where nodisrete geometry is used - pixels are mostlythe result of mathematical functions,allowing to bend the rules of physics. Attimes, to further evoke a movie scene, thesetup picks and displays random quotes fromsubtitle tracks of actual sci-fi movie.

  • A capture of the visuals in movement
  • A capture of the visuals in movement
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email me at jungersrobin(at)gmail(dot)com